Monday, July 5, 2010

plans (an incomplete list)

During a dinner party for my birthday last month I was encouraged to share my goals, dreams, hopes for my 27th year. In retrospect I realized that I took the question far too literally. And far too seriously. I talked mostly about achievement and accomplishing. (Probably because that's where I feel the most defective.)

I would rather have focused on the small things. Small, daily, achievable goals.

This year I want to:

Remember to smile.
Dance more.
Buy second-hand.
Pumice, exfoliate and moisturize.
Mend the holes in my clothing the moment they appear.
Try more mixed drinks.
Read. A lot, lot more.
Remember to stretch.
Give a guy my phone number.
Direct some (a lot of) theatre.
Become a photographer.
Visit museums.
Learn more about Oklahoma.
Go on a blind date.
Ride a bicycle.
Upholster, tile or re-finish something.

This is the cake I ate on my birthday when I was too serious.

1 comment:

Meg said...

i love, love, love this list.