Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nautica Guy

For the most part I am not a gawker.

Sure, I notice attractive men on the street (usually if they're significantly taller than me, wearing glasses, etc), but often it is with the same appreciation that I admire a woman's beautiful wool coat or fabulous spring dress.

Recently, however, DC Metro changed their ads. To this fella. CLICK IT.

And I objectify him, okay?

There's no two ways about it.

I admit it.

He is really very good-looking. Congratulations, Nautica. Because while I have always been able to appreciate beauty, I am now the pervy girl on the train. If I am unlucky (read: lucky) enough to get onto a car with this ad, I do my best to stick my nose in the Express or become very interested in my ipod. Else I start ogling like a teenage boy. Ogling an advertisement! Who have I become?!

This is inappropriate and embarrassing. I am not proud of the lip-biting and glazed over eyes that invariably occur when I see cute blue-deckshirt guy. But it is Nautica who should be the most embarrassed. After a few weeks of enjoying attractive Nautica guy, I am retracting my congratulations, and I'll tell you why:

Who in God's name thought it a good idea to couple this photo, of this very attractive man removing his shirt and exposing his perfectly tanned midriff with ads about Father's Day?? What the crap, Nautica? "Father's Day is June 15, make your dad a hottie"? "Is your father a FILF? Let Nautica help."

It was bad enough that he's plastered all over train cars where unsuspecting and sexually repressed 23 year-olds can be captivated without a moments notice. But Father's Day? Let's hope that I'm the only one who's so captivated, or DC is just asking for some weird string of Electra Complexes.


Meg said...

Okay, so, critical artistic question: Is his shirt coming on, or going off??

Caitlin said...

maybe it's a rorshach...!

ohafrica said...

Ummm...he kind of looks like Dito.